Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween in Tokyo

 I got up earlier today since Kent wanted me to walk with him to school. It's a .9 mile hike along the city streets, and Yuka does it twice every day! We stopped at Starbucks for breakfast on our way back, and I got my first-ever order from Starbucks!....not coffee, of course.  The Earl Gray latte was amazing!

Today was Halloween, which has been picked up to some extent by the Japanese. The kids love to dress up, of course. Alan's boys are in a British School, which allowed them to dress up last Friday, but not today. Both were Harry Potter characters since Kent has read all the books and is obsessed with the story. There are some Halloween decorations around town, and a few residences have them. Tokyo does not have a lot of single-family homes, so there are not many places to go to Trick or Treat. There is one wealthy section that sets up candy stations at their homes, and mobs of parents and kids go there for candy. I guess it's mostly foreigners, and Alan's family saw several people they know.

Outside of the school

Main entrance to school

Julian changing to his "inside" shoes.

Saying goodbye at the classroom entrance.

Buildings near the school

Sunset from their apartment.
Too bad there's a big tower pole in the way!

Halloween decorations

Waiting to cross the street

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