Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Daiso! (Japanese 100-yen store)

After Yuka walked Kent and Julian to school, we took the subway to the Shibuya area so I could shop at the largest Daiso, which is Japan's version of a Dollar Tree on steroids! Most items cost 100 yen, which right now equals 66 cents, and their stuff is pretty good quality, so I love this store! They have all sorts of fun little kitchen, bath, and storage nick knacks. Shibuya is where there's the huge intersection that has masses of pedestrians cross in every direction when all the traffic lights turn red. They also have a fancy grocery store and several high-end bakeries next to the intersection.

The subways here are a complex system of trains running in every direction with thousands of passengers hurrying everywhere. There are LOTS of stairs and corridors, and I had no idea where we were! Alan had put money my account on my watch, so when I went through an entrance or exit, I could just touch my watch to the reader and it would open for me. Pretty cool!

We picked up some lunch, and came back to the apartment to eat. After school, Kent and Julian both had a piano lesson with a teacher who comes here. Kent is learning some piano, but mostly music theory.

This is an art museum that's across the street from their apartment,
and the train station entrance is below it.

Deciding which train to take.

Buildings at the Shibuya intersection

Fancy pastries

Entrance to Daiso store

Dried fish

Tiny dried shrimp and tinier dried shrimp! 

At the train station

Train arriving 

Back at the museum

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