Saturday, May 5, 2018

Last full day...walking Tokyo

We decided just to walk around this area of the city and take Kent to a park.  We also stopped in come grocery stores so I could see what is offered.  These stores are in the more affluent part of the city, so the prices are really high.  Yuka tells me that for those residents who cook with mostly fish, rice and traditional Japanese vegetables, the food prices are very reasonable....but not in these stores!

Kent got to play in the little fountain things.

Healthy pigeons!

Park next to Midtown

They had a huge wind sock to walk through.

The Hawaiian festival was still going on.

Lots of dogs in strollers

More water to play in!

Double decker double garage.
They can rotate up

They have huge crows.
He's high up, so you can't tell how big he is!

The dogs here are really spoiled!

This car does up and down the ramp to show how powerful it is!

Lambourghini at the gas station

Tokyo Midtown: one of Japan's largest mixed-use developments:
home to the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo,the Suntory Museum of Art, and the tallest building in Tokyo.

I took lots of pictures of food I am not used to seeing!

Huge variety of mushrooms!

Look at the tiny mushrooms

I think this is a radish.
I put my hand in the picture for size reference.

The fruit on the top costs about $27

Apples for abut $1.75 each

Huge pea pods!

Corn on the cob for over $3 each

Eggplant as long as Yuka's arm.

More tiny mushroom for only $1.00

Red meat is very expensive and is often sold with a lot of fat in it.

Octopus tentacles

Sushi fixings

Pringles for about $4 per can

They have huge amounts of bottled tea.

Grabbed a photo of a small hardware store.

A Boston terrier for $4,600.
They had cages of little tiny dogs.
We didn't go in, so couldn't see the Boston...probably a good thing!

Long climb up this hill.

Residential street in this nice neighborhood

Someone has a Rolls Royce.

Really big house!  Rich resident!

Luxury condos

This group of small, older homes somehow survived in this wealthy neighborhood.

Unusual house

Another wealthy resident

Look at this wall mortar evident

More expensive condos

Kent loved the slide!
And wanted each of us to do down with him.

They have a LONG roller slide! 
I was surprised he would go down it!

Alan's office building

Spider statue covered in knitting.
It's usually just black metal.

This is the escalator Alan takes on his way home every day.
See the next one below going into the tunnel.

Busses are very small.

Got a picture of a dog dressed up.
That's probably his stroller.

Apples for over $8 each!
But, they are huge!

TINY fish!

Another fru-fru dog dressed up.

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